K. Bloomfield Brand
K. Bloomfield Brand
K. Bloomfield Brand

Lover of all things self care


The self care guru you see today used to be someone who lacked boundaries, held on to resentment, and was inundated with self-deprecating thoughts. I realized that I first needed to develop SELF LOVE. Genuinely loving yourself takes HEART WORK which I endured.

Through therapy, a mindset change, goal setting, and lots of forgiveness, I’ve been able to blossom into my most beautiful self.

I now want to share what I’ve learned and help others to love themselves unconditionally and unapologetically through proper self care.

Former Debt Connoisseur


Having an emergency fundcreating generational wealth, and living within my means were not topics discussed when I was a child, teen, or young adult. I’m sure that’s why I found it very easy to accumulate over $48, 000.00 in debt by the time I was 30 years old. 

I knew I did not want that to be my narrative. That is why I took the initiative to create a financial plan to pay off my debt within 16 months, all while helping others do the same along the way. As a result, I now have a platform that allows me to serve and educate those who are where I was once.

I am only as strong as the weakest link meaning my job will only be finished once I assist every person who desires to live in Financial Wellness to get there!!! 

I am committed to helping YOU achieve financial success and create a life you’re obsessed with through financial freedom. 

Avid Social and Emotional Health Advocate


The pandemic, social media, social injustices and the transparency of real-life experiences have caused trauma for people of all ages. These challenging circumstances have forced parents, teachers and students nationwide to live in fight, flight or freeze mode.

Many schools and community agencies have adopted Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) practices. SEL helps equip parents, students and families to understand self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.

Everyone deserves access to SEL, regardless of their social and economic status, mental health status, or zip code. I am an avid advocate of Social and Emotional Learning that teaches life skills, including the ability to understand personals feeling and emotions and others.

You are the designer of your life story.

The K. Bloomfield Brand is here to provide strategic guidance!

If you're not obsessed with your life, change it!

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